If you have started a business recently you will understand how difficult it is to run a business, it takes a lot of dedication to be successful in the business, and even then things can go wrong.
As a business owner, you need to wear many hats, to begin with, you are responsible for doing the work, responsible for the marketing/ advertising, you are responsible for sales, you are responsible for the account side of things to ensure you invoice on time and pay bills on time, ensuring you have sufficient cashflow into the business.
We need to remember the business ownership life, we are entering into a marathon and not a sprint, this means things wont happen over night, it will take time, but it will be worth it, as you want your business to be around for several years.
When we start a business, and this does depend on the industry, however generally we start off with a sale here and there, and all we want is the consistency to happen, e.g a regular flow of customers coming through the door, or in a lot of cases with online/ remote businesses the phone or emails to be regular with a couple coming through each week and signing up to use your services or buy your product.
For me starting in 2012, there was a slow influx of clients coming in, and as I started getting more consistency in 2014, I broke my leg and struggled to work for 12 weeks, which meant after this I had to basically start again, which meant building up the name, the brand, getting customers to know me again, improving my website, which is a constant requirement.
Many times over the years, i know I always have the money to pay the bills, however it can be a struggle to have the extra money to go on a holiday, to buy something you need, it does take time, so dont beat yourself over it, eventually it will happen.
My tip for anyone looking at starting a business, is to surround yourself around positive people only, try to remove the negative people out of your life for awhile, you need to remain positive, whilst looking after your mental health. Network where possible with other business owners, either in person, on zoom, or just in facebook groups- join New Businesses Austrlaia Faceboook group which is a supporting group. Then as soon as you can see light at the end of the tunnel, think about hiring yourself a Business Coach/ Mentor ( yes Sgh Business services is worth speaking to), or team up with your Accountant to gain the assistance, and support you need to grow your business. The support and guidance you get along the way is the valuable part of business ownership. Even as a Business Mentor, I have gained knowledge and support from other Business owners to help grow my businesss along the way.