Introduction to Business Systems

The introduction to business systems is a short course that can help you understand which systems you need in place to help you become a successful business.

The following topics will be covered in the course,

  • Sales Systems- this will assist you in learning about the systems, processes required to help you better sell your service or product.
  • Account Systems – this section will help you understand your bookkeeping requirements, and the importance of regular invoicing for work completed
  • Human Resource- this section will help you understand about the policy and procedures which can assist your business.
  • Quality Assurance – this section can assist you in understanding the requirements to ensure you are providing a quality service or product to your client, as if you are not providing quality, people won’t
  • buy from you, and you will obtain poor references.


Once you understand the systems required for your business, and how to tailor them for your individual circumstances you will be able to note an improvement within your business operations, and it can assist you in evaluating your business each year.